Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2008 2009

Details for Mechanism ID: 2255
Country/Region: South Africa
Year: 2009
Main Partner: Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $5,283,351

Funding for Treatment: Adult Treatment (HTXS): $5,283,351


Activities funded with Track 1 funding is intergrated with the local funding and this comprehensive program

(including progress and planned activities) are contained in the local funding COP entry.


Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation implements a comprehensive HIV care and treatment program

in South Africa that is funded with Track 1 central funding, as well as South Africa COP funding. The

activities do not differ across the funding mechanisms, and this entry is thus a repeat of the South Africa

COP entry. All targets are reflected in the South Africa COP entry.BACKGROUND:The long-term goal of

the EGPAF care and treatment program in South Africa is to increase life expectancy amongst HIV-infected

persons by increasing access to care and treatment services and service utilization. Primary emphasis

areas are human capacity development and expansion of services through training and task shifting, local

organization capacity building, development of infrastructure, policy and guidelines, and strategic

information. Primary populations to be targeted include infants, men and women, pregnant women, people

living with HIV (PLHIV), and public and private healthcare providers.Project Help Expand ART (HEART) will

expand geographic coverage of services in FY 2008. HEART/South Africa is part of a larger worldwide

initiative by EGPAF to support care and treatment services, and receives both Track 1 and in-country

PEPFAR funding. The program's focus is on integrating PMTCT services to provide a family-centered

model of care that includes access to treatment for HIV-infected pregnant women, couple counseling,

partner testing and screening for TB.EGPAF utilizes PEPFAR resources to complement those of the

KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) Department of Health (DOH) and private partners, such as faith-based organizations

(FBOs) and other non-governmental organizations (NGOs). These resources fund staff, infrastructure,

drugs, laboratory testing and provide technical support. EGPAF will identify gaps in the program at the site

level and implement activities to address the needs. The intent is to facilitate national and provincial plans

and work with the government and partners to transition programs to South Africa government (SAG)

support.EGPAF has a partnership with a private NGO, the AIDS Health Care Foundation (AHF); this is a

cost-sharing relationship (drugs and staff) to support the AHF care and treatment program. McCord

Hospital, a faith-based organization, is a sub-grantee of EGPAF. The EGPAF partnership with the DOH

includes support for human capacity development, infrastructure rehabilitation and technical support for

sites in KZN.The existing sites are:(1) McCord Hospital, Durban; (2) AHF (Ithembalabantu Clinic), Umlazi,

Durban; (3) KZN DOH, Pietermaritzburg Up/Down-referral program (Edendale Hospital and four referral

clinics, Northdale Hospital and five referral clinics); and (4) KZN DOH, Vryheid Hospital plus three referral

clinics, Benedictine Hospital and three referral clinics, and Edumbe Community Health Centre (CHC) plus

one referral clinic, in Zululand District.This partnership with the DOH will be expanded to the whole Free

State province, to Ramotshere Moiloa (Zeerust) and Tswaing (Delareyville) sub-districts in the North West,

to all of the Umgungundlovu and Zululand districts in KZN, and the Eastern Ekurhuleni and Lesedi sub-

districts in Gauteng.ACTIVITIES AND EXPECTED RESULTS:ACTIVITY 1: Human Capacity

DevelopmentEGPAF will support training of healthcare providers on the following:1. Screening and

treatment of TB/HIV and opportunistic infections, ART in pregnancy, and referral systems (between PMTCT

and ART);2. Supporting systems to improve access to care and treatment of children (including early infant

diagnosis);3. Capacity building at sites for implementation and management of the comprehensive care,

management and treatment support program;4. M&E;5. Project management; and6. Funding health

workers to complete a HIV and AIDS Diploma at the University of KwaZulu-Natal.In addition EGPAF will

provide technical assistance for the creation of outreach programs to build capacity at primary healthcare

(PHC) clinics for downward and upward referral in order to maintain patients on ART, initiate new patients

on therapy, and decongest treatment sites that have reached capacity.ACTIVITY 2: Down Referral

ProcessThe KwaZulu-Natal Health Department (KZNDOH) started providing comprehensive care and

treatment services to HIV-infected patients in May 2004 at hospital level. PHC clinics will be capacitated so

that they are able to manage stable patients on ART referred down from the hospitals or community health

centers (CHCs), and also up refer those that are eligible for initiation of ART to hospital or CHCs that are

ARV accredited sites.The KZNDOH aims to make ART accessible to all by expanding and strengthening

existing HIV and AIDS care and treatment service delivery. A number of CHCs have been accredited by the

national and provincial health departments and will initiate ART. The PHC clinics conduct rapid HIV testing,

CD4 testing and provide the first, second and third adherence counseling sessions, which is also done at

CHC and hospital level, and then refer patients to accredited CHCs or hospitals for initiation. The KZNDOH

has identified the Pietermaritzburg and Zululand Districts as areas needing immediate support as they are

poorly resourced with high HIV seroprevalence rates. The KZNDOH has requested that EGPAF support be

extended to these districts. The districts have identified clinics where stable patients on treatment can be

referred to continue ART management.ACTIVITY 3: Pediatric Care and TreatmentEGPAF's goal is to

ensure that 10 percent of all patients on treatment are children, which has not been achieved in the

Zululand district. To strengthen pediatric HIV care and treatment, EGPAF will provide training on early infant

diagnosis, pediatric HIV clinical staging and diagnosis and ART in children, in addition to provision of staff,

strengthening the linkages between PMTCT and care and treatment.The Edendale and Northdale pediatric

HIV clinic has the largest cohort of pediatrics in the province on ART. The hospital down refers stable

patients to the care of the PHC clinics to free up space for new pediatric patients.EGPAF aims to:1.

Increase the rate of down referral of stable children on ART;2. Increase the up referral of new eligible

children for initiation of therapy; and3. Improve linkages between PMTCT programs and care and treatment

programs.EGPAF will provide financial and technical support to eight PHC clinics in the catchment area of

the Edendale and Northdale hospital in Pietermaritzburg, thus capacitating them to: (1) receive and manage

transferred stable pediatric patients on ART from the pediatric HIV clinic; and (2) provide screening and

preparation of eligible HIV-infected patients at three PHC facilities for up referral and initiation of ART at

Edendale Hospital Pediatric HIV clinic. The same approach will be applied as we expand to other provinces,

namely Free State, North West and Gauteng Provinces.ACTIVITY 4: Counseling and Testing (CT)The

focus will be strengthening comprehensive HIV and AIDS care and treatment services using a family-

centered approach to increase access to CT, by fast-tracking TB, STI, and family planning patients to CT; to

integrate PMTCT with HIV and AIDS care and treatment; to improve referral of eligible pregnant mothers,

partners, family members, and HIV-infected infants and children to treatment sites; to screen for

opportunistic infections. With this focus, EGPAF will increase pediatric care and treatment, couple

counseling, partner testing, and testing for siblings. For patients who test HIV positive and are not yet

eligible for ART, they will be retained through wellness clinics, support groups, patient tracking, etc. The

overall goal is to expand coverage of HIV and AIDS care and treatment services to reach mothers, partners

Activity Narrative: and children who would not otherwise have access to these services. The increase in funding in FY 2008

will be used to expand EGPAF program activities viz. human capacity development, down-referral process,

pediatric care and treatment as well as counseling and testing activities to the Free State, North West and

Gauteng Province. In addition, EGPAF will strengthen M&E systems at all levels of service delivery.The

activities contribute to the PEPFAR 2-7-10 goals.

With FY 2008 reprogramming funds, EGPAF will provide additional support to the Free State and North

West Department of Health (Bojanala District) to provide integrated HIV, TB, PMTCT and HIV care and

treatment services. This will include a focus on strengthening the down-referral program in both provinces.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 13769

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

13769 3296.08 HHS/Centers for Elizabeth Glaser 6602 2255.08 track 1 $5,283,351

Disease Control & Pediatric AIDS

Prevention Foundation

7650 3296.07 HHS/Centers for Elizabeth Glaser 4504 2255.07 track 1 $5,283,351

Disease Control & Pediatric AIDS

Prevention Foundation

3296 3296.06 HHS/Centers for Elizabeth Glaser 2720 2255.06 track 1 $3,939,742

Disease Control & Pediatric AIDS

Prevention Foundation

Table 3.3.09:

Subpartners Total: $0
McCord Hospital: NA
AIDS Healthcare Foundation: NA